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QC Times Go &Do article

David Kloft brings his one-man Pink Floyd experience to a pair of Dubuque venues

David Kloft is hardly just another brick in the wall. Using high-tech keyboards, drums, bass, guitar and vocals, the Maquoketa, Iowa, musician has made it his mission to bring the dynamic sounds of Pink Floyd -- a four-member group -- down to a one-man act. "I had been contemplating doing this since 2006,"Kloft... Read the article

by Michael McCarty, correspondent@qconline.com
Pink Floyd Tribute
Dave Kloft is 'Comfortbly-One,' a one-man Pink Floyd tribute band.
Maquoketa musician David Kloft finds doing Pink Floyd music is better “Comfortbly-One” – as a one-man tribute band, playing keyboards, guitar and vocals all by himself.
During the '80s, Kloft was in the California band The Heat, releasing a CD and playing at such showcase venues as The Roxy and Whiskey a Go-Go. After The Heat went cold, he formed a Pink Floyd tribute band called Floyd Pink. When things didn’t pan out with that gig, he decided to do it solo.
As Comfortbly-One, Kloft has two set lists. During one, he performs all Pink Floyd songs; during the other, he does a mixture of Pink Floyd and classic rock by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, the Eagles, etc.
At Purgatory's Pub tonight, he will be performing a full evening of Pink Floyd music -- solo, with only the help of his sound man, Steve Bowman.

Recently, he took time out of his schedule to answer a few questions -- one-on-one.

Q: When Pink Floyd plays live, there sometimes are up to 13 musicians on stage. How do you strip that sound down just so one person can play it?
A: I use four keyboards, and I’ve got a guitar set-up. I have people come up to me and say, “How are you doing this? Is this karaoke?” I had to write out drum parts, keyboard parts -- the tablature and tempo and everything. And when the song allows me to, I will do a live guitar part to it as well. On my demo CD, it was all recorded live. It’s myself and a sound guy, who is adding all the effects to my vocals. I have to have sheet music, words with settings on the keys, and MIDI on my keyboards. It’s a lot of things for one man to do.
If you close your eyes, it sounds like there is a full band there. A lot of thought process went into it.
Q: What is your favorite Pink Floyd CD?
A: “Dark Side of the Moon.”
Q: What are some of the Pink Floyd songs you do?
A: “Shine On, You Crazy Diamond,” “Wish You Were Here,” “Another Brick in the Wall,” “Sorrow.” We have over three hours of Pink Floyd music.
Q: Where have you been playing?
A: This will be my second time in the Quad-Cities. I have been playing mostly in the Dubuque area. We are targeting the Pink Floyd people. The Pink Floyd fans love it – they can’t believe it is just one person.
Q: Last words?
A: People who are into Pink Floyd should come out to Purgatory's Pub, it is worth coming out to see. We’ve put a lot of time into it. People appreciate what a couple guys can do here with the sound. We’ve had people slow-dance to some of the songs. We’ve had people dance to the faster things, like “Run Like Hell.”

I have been doing music for the past 20 years. I’ve put a whole lot of thought into this, seeing a lot of response from different people. I like Pink Floyd music; it’s melodic. I see a lot of people out there who like it.


-- Who: David Kloft, aka Comfortbly-One, a one-man Pink Floyd Band.
-- Web site: www.comfortbly-one.com.

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